Majuro - 机会 and 劳拉SDA学校s


To provide quality Christian education to the children of the Marshall Islands and to be prepared for a place in God’s work on this earth and be prepared for a place in His Kingdom to come.


机会 SDA学校 is the primary school on the island and has over 400 学生s from Pre-K to 12th grade. The campus its self is located about 10 to 15 yards from the ocean. There are a number of ways that SMs can get involved apart from just their teaching duties. They can help lead out in church, plan activities for the youth group, coach volleyball and basketball, 去浮潜, 航行, and visit outer islands.  

劳拉SDA学校 is the second school on the island and is a 45 minute drive from 机会. It has about 60 学生s from Pre-K to 8th grade. It is only a 3 minute walk from the school to a beautiful sandy beach. There are places to hammock, snorkel, and play basketball or volleyball with the kids. 



Average fundraising goal $3,700
生活津贴 每月250 - 300美元
需求 1 year of college experience
语言 The local language spoken is Marshallese. However, all teaching is done in English and most people in Majuro speak at least some English.
时间轴 Full year and semester options are available. The call typically begins at the end of July or the beginning of August. There is a required training in Hawaii at the beginning of the school year. School ends the last week of May and the SMs usually leave a few days after senior graduation.


机会 SDA学校

  • Pre-幼儿园老师 

  • 幼儿园老师 

  • 一年级教师 

  • 二年级教师 

  • 三年级教师 

  • 四年级教师 

  • 五年级教师 

  • 六年级教师 

  • 7th – 12th Grade Science Teacher 

  • 7th – 12th Grade Bible Teacher/牧师 

  • 7th – 12th Grade English Teacher 

  • 7th – 12th Grade Math Teacher 

  • 7th – 12th Grade 音乐/Art/Physical Education Teacher 

  • 7th – 12th Grade Social Studies Teacher 

  • 维修主管



  • Pre-Kindergarten/幼儿园老师 

  • 1st – 四年级教师 

  • 5th – 8th Grade Teacher 

  • 维护/加德纳/它 



Volunteers are responsible for their own food. There are 3 main grocery stores in town. Local food consists of mainly rice, fish, chicken, breadfruit, and coconut. There are many restaurants in town that serve pizza, 中国人, and American food with each providing vegetarian options. In 劳拉 there are several small family owned shops with basics necessities and a burger shop. 


Student missionaries will live in on-campus apartments. Anywhere between 2-4 SMs will share an apartment with 2 bedrooms that include beds, 壁橱, 梳妆台, and a sink with counter space and a mirror. The kitchen includes a sink, 炉子, 烤箱, 冰箱, and necessary dishes and appliances. Each bathroom has a shower and toilet, but no sink or warm water. There is a laundromat within walking distance with washers and dryers. 


There is a house and an apartment on-campus for the 学生 missionaries. The house has 3 bedrooms with beds, 壁橱, and shelves. The bathroom has two showers and one toilet, but no sink or warm water. The kitchen has a sink, 炉子, 烤箱, 冰箱, and a few dishes and appliances. The apartment has 2 bedrooms with beds. The bathroom has a sink, shower, and toilet. The kitchen is an outside covered area with a sink, 炉子, 烤箱, 冰箱, and necessary dishes and appliances. There is a washer, spinner, and clothes line on-campus that the SMs can use.